The Importance of Mentorship in Value-Based Care

January is Mentorship Month, and I’m grateful that I can share with you some of my thoughts on mentorship and the importance it’s had on my career.

Mentorship allows people to learn from one another, providing a path to knowledge transfer. In the workplace, for instance, someone established in their career can share knowledge and insights, as well as offer guidance, to someone with less experience.

But mentorship can (and should) extend beyond this traditional structure of mentors. The healthcare industry as a whole may benefit as well. Former Utah Gov. Mike Leavitt, co-founder of our Institute and one of our own mentors, states in his book, Finding Allies, Building Alliances:

“The ability to get things done with collaborative networks is the next evolution in human productivity. Those who develop these skills will prosper in the next quarter-century. Those who don’t will fall behind.” 

At the Institute, we wholeheartedly believe in mentorship and collaboration. Healthcare is an industry where everyone must collaborate to achieve the best possible outcomes for patients, between and across organizations and sectors. We must have knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing so that we can achieve our ambitious goals of value and health equity for all.

I’m personally grateful to these great mentors that they have enabled me to take this important  value-based care journey. Who’s on your top list?

Eric Weaver, DHA, MHA
Executive Director, The Institute for Advancing Health Value

January is Mentorship Month and, to close out the month, we want to recognize the mentors who have contributed to our journeys in advancing health value and equity.